Multidimensional and Complete Personnel Development Framework

The system for “overall performance management” builds key performance indicators and performance associations in the ”company → department → position” cycle. The anticipated outcomes are:

  Establish a systematic employee development mechanism.
  Capture the performance and potential of medium- and higher-level employees to secure successor sources.
  Ensure the development of medium- and higher-level employees to extend the organizational leadership style.
  Select and appropriately and timely guide employees and give them training opportunities.
  Review individual performance and development potential to ensure the development of management personnel and smoothen the road to career development.

Establish a diversified and complete employee development framework, strengthen support for HR-related systems, and provide employees with a suitable environment for development.

  Define the difference between management and engineering jobs and implement performance assessment and development procedures.
  Provide different professional training courses for management and engineering officers.
  Ensure equality in promotion through the Employee Review Committee.

USI-ESG-Talent Cultivation and Development

Talent Cultivation

 Internal training: Courses focus on common training courses for new employee training and group keynote speeches to equip employees with fundamental and general knowledge.

 External training: Courses focus on the professional skills required by individual departments and the five circulating courses provided by the personnel department to enrich the work-related knowledge and skills of employees.

Education and training

We are committed to building a continuous and rich learning environment to systematically provide employees of different jobs with a series of general and special education courses and management courses. Apart from hiring external experts as instructors, we also cultivate internal instructors to pass on USI’s important knowledge and technology.

In addition, we provide multidimensional learning channels and resources, including on-the-job training, job guidance, mentoring, job rotation, onsite instruction, and e-learning. For employees with high learning intentions and developmental potential, we finance them to pursue continuing education in domestic universities and adjust their duties for training, in order to cultivate business successors.

In 2021, we provided employee training for a total of 10,776 hours (including training courses participated by employees and organized by the group). The average training length was 23.8 hours/person, with a training expense of about NT$1.201 million. As most male supervisors were from production departments, they needed a long HSE license training than female supervisors.

Total Hours of Training in 2021

unit: hours

Senior Officers Tier-One Officers Tier-Two Officers General employees
Male 154 699 769.5 8,255.5
Female 0 72 25 801
Note: Senior officers are employees of grades 13 and higher; tier-one officers are employees of grades 10-12; tier-two officers are employees of grades 8-9; and general employees are employees of grades 7 and below.
Average Hours of Training Per Employee in 2021

unit: hours/person

Senior Officers Tier-One Officers Tier-Two Officers General employees
Average hours for male 22.0 31.8 30.8 22.6
Average hours for female 0.0 24.0 12.5 28.6
Average of all 22.0 30.8 29.4 23.0
Note: Senior officers are employees of grades 13 and higher; tier-one officers are employees of grades 10-12; tier-two officers are employees of grades 8-9; and general employees are employees of grades 7 and below.
Distributions of Internal/External Training 2021

unit: hours

Senior Officers Tier-One Officers Tier-Two Officers General employees
Hours of internal training 154 771 651.5 5,777
Hours of external training 0 0 143 3,279.5
Note: Senior officers are employees of grades 13 and higher; tier-one officers are employees of grades 10-12; tier-two officers are employees of grades 8-9; and general employees are employees of grades 7 and below.

Note: Senior officers are employees of grades 13 and higher; tier-one officers are employees of grades 10-12; tier-two officers are employees of grades 8-9; and general employees are employees of grades 7 and below.

Note: Senior officers are employees of grades 13 and higher; tier-one officers are employees of grades 10-12; tier-two officers are employees of grades 8-9; and general employees are employees of grades 7 and below.

Note: Senior officers are employees of grades 13 and higher; tier-one officers are employees of grades 10-12; tier-two officers are employees of grades 8-9; and general employees are employees of grades 7 and below.