Sales Distribution

USI products are distributed mainly to a total of 325 customers in Europe and Asia. Products exported by ranking are EVA, HDPE, LDPE, and LLDPE. The chart below shows the sales distributions and market distributions of USI products in 2021. All were calculated by sales volume.

USI-ESG-Sales and Customer Service USI-ESG-Sales and Customer Service

Product Quality System

Product quality is the foundation for USI’s sustainable development. To provide customers with products and services of excellent quality, USI has established the ISO 9001 QMS. Apart from building stringent management systems in the “production-distribution plan”, “materials incoming inspection”, “production/manufacture”, and “inspection/ judgement”, we establish the quality database system and process data database PI system with the information technology. In addition to providing information of real-time monitoring and process parameters to ensure the final quality of products, these systems help produce statistics, analyze, and trace product quality, process parameters, and materials quality.

In addition, the computer change management system ensures stringent evaluation and management of process changes to ensure risk-less changes to stabilize process and product quality.

USI-ESG-Sales and Customer Service

Major Quality Improvement Projects

2021 Items 2022 Items Contents and Schedules for 2022
Plant II New Catalyst System Increase the proportion of new catalyst products at Plant II and promote products to customers. Inorganic residue reduction, high quality, customer promotion, customer satisfaction enhancement. Projected completion in December 2022.
Plant II Filter Automatic Replacement System Plant I M/P renewal Equipment reliability and quality stability enhancement Projected completion in September 2023
New product trial run on compounding equipment Resolve the automation bottleneck of compounding equipment. Enhance production efficiency Projected completion in December 2022
Plant II Storage Tank Blending Improvement Plant I Catalyst Pump Renewal Equipment reliability and quality stability enhancement Projected completion in March 2024
New Cake Removal Equipment Continuation of cake removal equipment construction, with projected completion in April 2023. Enhance production stability/prevent emergency stop Projected completion in April 2023

USI Product Customer Complaint Targets and Achievements

Note: We began to separate the customer complaint targets for plants I and II in 2020, 6 and 8 respectively.