GRI 102-46、102-47、102-49

Analysis and Identification of Material Topics

To ensure the completeness of topic inclusiveness, besides referring to the topics in the GRI Standards published by GRI, ESG issues and trends of industries at home and abroad, and the UN SDGs, we also gathered issues of "high stakeholder concerns" through various communication channels and verified their effectiveness to address issues that concerned stakeholders of the information disclosed in the current ESG report with the “Stakeholder Questionnaire” posted on the corporate website. We began to identify material topics biennially in 2019. In 2021, we collected a total of 232 responses. Through the expertise in its duties and functions of each working group under the ESG Committee, we conducted an internal survey with 41 valid responses on the “impacts on USI” of governance, environmental and social issues. In 2021, we collected a total of 273 responses.

As ethical corporate management and legal compliance are our belief in sustainable development, legal compliance issues were excluded from the questionnaire. With the approval of the ESG Committee and working groups, legal compliance will become a required material issue for disclosure every year since the 2019 report.

USI-ESG-Analysis and identification of material topics

Stakeholder Materiality Analysis

USI-ESG-Analysis and identification of material topics

Material Topics and Value Chain

For more information about material topics, please visit: 2022 ESG Report